Small business raising tilapia

money is often a problem for anyone without money life will suffer because of scarcity, in today's money becomes the main thing to satisfy all sorts of different needs of earlier times people only recognize the barter business but now its time all the money.

for financial gain we need to run a good business small business, medium-, or upper-level business in the form of large companies, but we are forced to have only a small capital we should also start a small business too, one small business by raising tilapia. for food other than fish can also be sold at a considerable price.

for the breeding of tilapia that we need to provide is the land, then we will make the pond above the land, to maintain the pond tilapia that we make need not be too big but not too small at least 2x3 meters, but the more we are making a big pond the better, other better fish growth is also a large pool which can accommodate more fish.

after making the pool we have to make a good watering, water in ponds of tilapia should always flow so that fish can grow large quickly than the fish quality was also better. if irrigation is complete we simply buy seeds from seed sellers of fish, should we buy the seeds with a size of 15 cm. The first seeds do not need a lot of three males and seven females, our purpose is to buy seedlings like this so soon the seeds will be childless.

after buying the seeds and then we'll escape into the pond and now just waiting for the seeds of the litter, do not forget to feed the fish at least two times a day, you can buy feed at stores selling fish food. tilapia fish has a very rapid growth within a year we can harvest.

tilapia parent will give birth around 1000 children in all litter fish, so try to imagine if there are seven breeding of tilapia means we will get 7000 when it gave birth to a child fish. A good weight of tilapia growth could reach 2 pounds.

good luck ....


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